Eight (8) PhD Scholarships in Integrated Hydrosystem Modelling, University of Tübingen, Germany (2015)

The International Research Training Group (IRTG) “Integrated Hydrosystem Modelling” at the Universities of Tübingen and Hohenheim (Germany), and Waterloo (Canada) targets at developing and applying numerical models of flow and reactive solute transport in coupled hydrosystems comprising of land-surface and subsurface compartments. These models are needed to assess the impacts of environmental change on water quantity and quality at catchment scale. The IRTG offers a structured PhD program at the German partner universities with joint international training and supervision. The main work place is in Tübingen; a six-month research stay at Waterloo is integral part of the training.

For the second project phase starting at June 1, 2015, we seek for 8 Doctoral Researchers (3 years, 75% TV-L E13 according to German public salary system) for the following topics:

Theme A: Flux Balances at the Land Surface

A.4 Large-eddy simulation of the water budget in a small catchment
A.5 Limitations of pollutant transformations in topsoils
A.6 Variability and uncertainty in modelling the soil-vegetationatmosphere nexus at the landscape scale
A.7 Nitrate dynamics under climate and land-use change

Theme B: Biogeochemical Reactions in Catchments

B.5 Modelling the fate of micropollutants in rivers
B.6 Compound-specific isotope fractionation at catchment scale

Theme C: Uncertainty Assessment of Large-Scale Models
C.4 Bayesian legitimacy of different hydro(geo)logical model concepts
C.5 Prioritising major predictive uncertainty sources in coupled hydrosystem models

Theme D: Evolution of Catchments

D.4 Vegetation-hydrology feedbacks
D.5 Solute transport in hierarchical sedimentary deposits
D.6 Hydrological controls of land-surface evolution

Further details:

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 

Σάββατο, Ιανουάριος 3, 2015