Postdoctoral position in wireless communication for cooperating autonomous vehicles

Chalmers has a long tradition of research in Transportation Systems, with intensive collaboration with society and automotive industry. A large part of such research is performed at the Department of Signals and Systems (S2), where this post-doctoral position is announced. S2 is engaged in both fundamental and applied research, spanning a large variety of research areas including Automatic Control, Automation, Mechatronics, Biomedical Engineering, Communication Systems and Information Theory, Signal Processing and Antennas. Cross-disciplinary research is central and encouraged through projects across different groups within the Department.


In this project, a number of postdoctoral researchers will be recruited to collaborate on cooperative autonomous vehicles. This particular position pertains to the wireless communication aspect of inter-vehicle communication. The postdoc is expected to interact with other researchers in vehicular communication, as well as controls and signal processing. 

Major responsibilities
The main focus of the research should be on the communication subsystem of cooperative automated vehicles. The goal is to support the development of an cooperative automated vehicle research platform in the form of an actual vehicle equipped with sensors, processing units, path planning, control, and wireless communications. The communication subsystem should solve the following problems:

• Design and analysis to provide basic functionalities to share perception and map information;
• Design and analysis to provide basic functionalities to share control and intention information;
• Modeling and simulation of various real-world scenarios;
• Integration with sensor fusion and control subsystems;
• Possibly integration and experimental validation;
• co-supervision of PhD students.

The position is meritorious for future research duties within academia as well as industry/the public sector.

Position summary
The Post-doctoral position is an appointment that offers an opportunity to qualify for further research positions within academia or industry. The majority of your working time is devoted to your own research, normally as a member of a research group. Included in your work is also to take part in supervision of Ph.D. students and M.Sc thesis students. Teaching of undergraduate students may also be included to a small extent, if desired. The employment is limited to a maximum of 2 years (1+1). The postdoc is part of major Chalmers initiative on automated driving.

A PhD (or close to completion) in wireless communications or a relevant field is required. The degree should generally not be older than three years. Experience with automotive applications and/or background in at least one of the following research areas will be preferred: vehicular networks, cooperative wireless networks. Knowledge of signal processing or control theory are preferred, but not mandatory. Preference will be given to applicants with a track record in high-quality publications. The ability to initiate new research collaborations across disciplinary boundaries is essential. Good communication skills in oral and written English are required.

For further information and how to apply, please visit:

Nr of positions available : 1

Research Fields


Career Stage

Experienced researcher or 4-10 yrs (Post-Doc) 

Research Profiles

Recognised Researcher (R2) 

Application website

Application Deadline
