Two PhD students for an interdisciplinary project in the field tissue engineering

Empa is the interdisciplinary research and services institution for material sciences and technology development of the ETH Domain.

The Laboratory for Protection and Physiology and the Biointerface Laboratory at Empa St. Gallen, are looking for:

Two PhD students for an interdisciplinary project in the field tissue engineering

We plan to investigate and develop functionalized hyperelastic hybrid membranes with a biological function. The goal is to design novel and advanced biocompatible matrices/ living tissues that can diminish problems in blood propulsion devices, where adverse blood reactions such as blood coagulation and inflammatory response occur. We therefore apply electrospinning and microfluidic techniques in combination with protein engineering and study functional biocompatibility in vitro.

The candidates should be entailed to:

Your tasks

  • Develop independent research in the fields of cell biology and material science
  • Develop and characterize advanced hybrid membranes
  • To study and characterize the interaction of proteins and cells with hybrid membranes in terms of cell adhesion, proliferation, and functionality.
  • Publication of results in scientific journals and at international conferences.

Your profile

  • Master in Nanotechnology, Materials Science, Bioengineering and/or Biology.
  • Skills and expertise in materials science, protein chemistry and cell culture.
  • Knowledge in the field of materials analysis.
  • Good knowledge of English is a requisite.

We offer a challenging position in a materials research institution with outstanding infrastructure and an interdisciplinary surrounding. The position is available upon agreement.

Please send your application including a CV and names and addresses of two references.

For additional information please contact Dr. Josep Puigmarti, josep.puigmarti<στο>

Please submit your application online and upload all documents (“pdf”-file is recommended) through this webpage. Any other way of applying will not be considered.

Esther Zürcher
Human Resources
Lerchenfeldstrasse 5
9014 St. Gallen

Apply here: