Up to 20 PhD Studentships in Medical Imaging

The King’s College London and Imperial College London EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Medical Imaging brings together two world leading research-focused universities in a unique collaboration to create an interdisciplinary training approach specifically designed to meet challenges in healthcare and Medical Imaging.

With complementary strengths in basic physical sciences, engineering and clinical translation, the CDT will have links with key industrial partners and close strategic and geographical links with St Thomas’ Hospital, a top-rated teaching hospital, where the Centre will be based. The CDT has a comprehensive capability to train and nurture the next generation of imaging scientists and research and industry leaders.

What is a CDT?

  • A comprehensive training programme including a PhD level project and taught coursework with a focus on developing interdisciplinary skills and expertise.
  • A 4 year PhD course with the first year containing both a taught element for developing interdisciplinary skills and a research element, to allow exploration of the PhD level projects that will follow

Why study within our CDT?

Our CDT training programme has three core research themes; from the acquisition, processing and integration of imaging information that can be provided for an individual patient, all the way from cell to tissue, organ and system levels and from anatomical to molecular and cellular targets. Progress in medical imaging research is underpinned by parallel developments in a broad range of complementary disciplines. Advancing research at the intersections of these fields represents one of the most promising strategies for developing imaging technologies that will have a major clinical impact.

  • A new style of PhD including research experience and a taught element carried out in a supportive environment
  • High quality training including transferable skills training specifically designed for CDTs and outreach activities
  • Personal and professional development in a cohort
  • Substantial research experience in your first year
  • A multidisciplinary team of academics directing a wide range of cutting-edge and challenging research projects, with an emphasis on translation “from bench to bedside”.


Who should apply?

Research and development in Medical Imaging is highly multi-disciplinary and students with a diverse range of backgrounds have a direct role to play including first degrees in:

  • Computer Science
  • Mathematics
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Computer Sciences
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Pharmacy
  • Biochemistry
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Other engineering-related disciplines


The Centre will fund at least 16 studentships per year for 5 year.

Each studentship will be funded for 4 years. This includes tuition fees, stipend and bench fee.

Stipend: Students will receive a tax free stipend of c.a. £16,000 per year.

Bench fees: A generous allowance will be provided for research consumables and for attending UK and International conferences

How to Apply

For details on how to apply including the application forms and deadlines please visit http://www.imagingcdt.com/ or contact the CDT coordinator Email: imaging-cdt<στο>kcl.ac.uk

Application Deadline: Monday 5th January 2015

More information:
Website: http://www.imagingcdt.com/
Email: imaging-cdt@kcl.ac.uk