Post-Doc Position - Multimodal Human-Computer Interaction


One Post-Doc position (>10 years of research experience) (M/F) is available  at Microsoft Language Development Center, Lisbon, Portugal

Microsoft Portugal, within its R&D group based in Lisbon, the Microsoft Language Development Center (MLDC), informs that is seeking 1 fulltime new team member (Post-Doc position) for the period of 24 months, with more than 10 years of research & development experience and with top performance in the area of computer science, as seen by his/her indexed publication record, h-index and i10-index rankings, particularly in the fields of multimodal human-computer interaction (HCI), computer vision, computer graphics, signal processing, machine learning and language technology.

The position is available within the European project “IRIS: Towards Natural Interaction and Communication” (Marie Curie Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways program, FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IAPP), a collaborative R&D project with Portuguese, Spanish and Turkish academic and industrial partners, coordinated in Microsoft Portugal by Prof. Miguel Sales Dias. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement nr 610986.

We are looking for a candidate with breadth, depth, communication skills and able to collaborate. The candidate is expected to participate in a team at Microsoft that is developing in-house natural and multimodal HCI technologies specially targeted to senior citizens and citizens with speech impairments. The candidate will work in close collaboration with the international partners. By adopting universal design principles, the candidate will contribute to the development of the most appropriate mix of user input (speech, silent speech, gesture, touch, biometry) and output modalities (animated characters with personalized synthetic voices, pictograms), in real settings and within immersive virtual reality experiments depicting visual and aural elements. In these experiments, the candidate will measure the arousal state of the participants via biometric sensing (heart beat rate, electrodermal activation, electromyography of the face, eye tracking, facial expression), aiming at classifying their emotions activated during the experiments, via suitable machine learning approaches, towards the improvement of the user interaction experience.

The position has the following conditions:

  • This position is full-time for 24 months. Ideally, the successful candidate will commence employment in early to middle 2015 in Lisbon, Portugal.
  • At the time of recruitment by Microsoft, the candidate must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc) in Portugal for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to recruitment. Short stays such as holidays and/or compulsory national service are not taken into account.
  • Salary: €74 375.00 plus €10 200.00 for mobility allowance per year (gross amount in line with EC Marie Curie salary rates).
  • Portuguese income tax rate of 20%, if the candidate has not been taxed as tax resident in Portugal in five years prior to the recruitment, Decreto-Lei n.º 249/2009, Diário da República, 1.ª série — N.º 185 — 23rd September 2009.
  • Applicable laws and regulations follows the European Commission criteria for recruitment for this type of funding under Marie Curie action under the Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP):

The position is open until filled. Those who are interested should send the detailed CV, with the relevant documents in attachment by email, using the APPLY button. We will only consider electronic submissions.


The ideal candidate should:

  • Have an advanced level of English (spoken and written).
  • Have solid background in computer science and software engineering, with particular emphasis in programming, large data sets, statistics, machine learning, information retrieval, signal processing, computer vision, computer graphics, speech and natural language processing.
  • Have a capacity to deliver high quality, complete solutions in a highly collaborative team environment.
  • Have a proven capability to lead software engineering projects.
  • Enjoy projects where cross collaboration and cross boundary activities help ensure the positive impact of your work on the end to end solution.
  • Willing to work in different phases of the software development lifecycle, from requirements capture, to specifications, development and test.
  • Have specific computational experience: C# required, C++ desirable; .Net managed APIs; Windows development technologies and platforms in local environment (Visual Studio, Team Foundation Server, WPF, WCF), Web (ASP.NET, JavaScript), web services, Windows Communication Foundation, REST.
  • Have an ability to communicate effectively in an environment of multidisciplinary international teamwork.
  • Have a proven ability to analyze and solve abstract and complex problems.
  • Able to demonstrate initiative and proactivity.
  • Able to respond quickly under stressful conditions during software engineering.
  • Be willing to work in a multicultural and multinational team, including short-term trips to locations in Portugal, Europe and USA.
  • Free thinkers with the ability to socialize and drive their ideas into the technology, are highly desired.

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