Postdoctoral Fellow - Computer Networks


Project Description
Centre for Resilient Networks and Applications (CRNA) at Simula focuses on robustness and security of ICT infrastructures. This implies research on networks and applications with the aim of making them resilient with respect to failures and changing environment. The Networks department works on resilience in communication networks and applications from a measurement perspective, through prototyping and through theoretical studies.
Networks department will be coordinating an EU H2020 project: ‘Measuring Mobile Broadband Networks in Europe’ (MONROE). MONROE proposes to design, build and operate an open, European-scale, and flexible platform with multi-homing capabilities to run experiments on operational 3G/4G Mobile Broadband networks. One of the main objectives of MONROE is to use the platform for the identification of key MBB performance parameters, thus enabling accurate, realistic and meaningful monitoring and assessment of the performance of MBB networks. MONROE also provides WiFi connectivity mimicking multi-homing in smartphones with both MBB and WiFi interfaces, to allow experimenting on different access technologies as well as to explore new ways of combining them to increase performance and robustness.

We are looking for a postdoctoral fellow to join our team of senior and junior researchers in the Networks department of the CRNA. The position is for a maximum of three years, starting from March 1st, 2015. The successful candidate will be involved in MONROE project and is expected to:

  • Design and execute a set of experiments that measure the right performance and reliability parameters of MBB networks under realistic traffic patterns 
  • Analyze the data collected from the experiments using statistical tools to determine key parameters that affects the performance of MBB performance
  • Examine and evaluate novel protocols, services, and applications to improve the performance of MBB networks. Some of the use cases include but not limited to multi-link connectivity (across multiple operators or across MBB and WIFI), traffic off-loading, cooperative relaying, protocol optimizations, and D2D services
  • Supervise and cooperate with master and Ph.D. students
  • Support the project management/coordination activities

Application Requirements

Interested applicants are encouraged to submit the following:

  • Curriculum vitae (summarizing education, positions and academic work - scientific publications)
  • List of publications and academic work that the applicant wishes to be considered by the evaluation committee
  • PhD thesis, or abstract of thesis if the thesis itself is unavailable/unfinished
  • Cover letter explaining the candidate's background, qualifications and research interests
  • Copies of educational certificates, transcript of records and letters of recommendation 
  • Names and contact details of 2-3 references (name, relation to candidate, e-mail and telephone number)

The application deadline is as soon as possible, but no later than November 29th 2014.
Note that all attachments MUST be submitted in PDF format, and with the exception of the CV and the PhD thesis, combined into one single PDF-document in the order specified by the list above. To avoid misplacement, please make sure to include your first and last name in the filenames of all documents that you send us. Please apply at our online portal, by clicking the "Apply Through Website" button.

We are interested in how you first came to learn about this position - please let us know in your cover letter.

For more information, please contact Dr. Özgü Alay (, +4798485362).


Your Profile
Interested applicants should:

  • Hold a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering or related fields
  • Have a solid background in computer networks and network protocols 
  • Have solid analytical skills to analyze network traces and datasets
  • Have experience with measurements and experimentation
  • Have experience with Linux and scripting languages
  • Familiarity with MBB networks
  • Demonstrate excellent level of spoken and written English
  • Possess good interpersonal skills and show willingness to work as part of an international team

Apply here: