PhD Studentship, Singlet Fission Sensitization of Solar Cells

AMOLF, The Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics

Research / Job description
In this project, we use a process called Singlet Fission to extract more current from solar cells. Singlet fission splits the photons of high-energy radiation (the blue end of the solar spectrum) into two lower-energy particles. This allows doubling the current from those photons. In principle, such a solar cell can surpass the Shockley-Queisser limit for single-junction solar cells.

You will work on the development of nanostructured solar cells and plasmon-enhanced singlet fission solar cells as well as joining a conventional solar cell (e.g. silicon) with singlet fission to allow for more current generation. The project will involve the synthesis of quantum dots and the deposition of organic and inorganic materials to fabricate solar cells. You will be involved in the design of new solar cells and you will characterise those solar cells using a range of optical and electrical techniques.

About the group
The Hybrid Solar Cells Group focuses on novel paths towards more efficient solar cells using both organic and inorganic materials. We aim at combining the unique properties and the richness of organic materials with the highly efficient, well-characterised inorganic materials.

Our group is starting November 1, 2014 so all projects will also require setting up or building new equipment with extensive help from the group leader and in many cases the AMOLF technical staff. All projects have been planned to minimize this startup time so that novel scientific results and potentially a publication should arise within the first year.

Required qualifications
You should hold an MSc degree in chemistry, physics, engineering, electrical engineering or equivalent.

Terms of employment
The position is intended as full-time (40 hours / week, 12 months / year) appointment in the service of Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM) for the duration of four years. After successful completion of the PhD research a PhD degree will be granted at the University of Amsterdam. Several courses are offered, specially developed for PhD-students. AMOLF assists any new PhD-student with housing and visa applications and compensates their transport costs and furnishing expenses.

For further information please contact
Dr. Bruno Ehrler
Group leader Hybrid Solar Cells Group
E-mail: b.ehrler<στο>
Phone: +44 (0)1223 337286

Applications can be sent to
FOM Institute AMOLF
P&O dept.
Postbus 41883
1009 DB Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Please quote vacancy # 1407-29

Please send your:

  • Resume;
  • Motivation on why you want to join the group (max. 1 page).

Applications without this motivation will not be taken into account. However, with this motivation your application will receive our full attention.

Online screening may be part of the selection.

Commercial activities in response to this ad are not appreciated.
