PhD Studentship Chariot: Creating High Value compact Products to Increase Total UK’s supply chain reach Understanding of physical transformation during microwave drying

University of Birmingham - School of Chemical Engineering

PhD studentship available from Jan 2015 in the field of particle process development/optimisation within the School of Chemical Engineering, University of Birmingham.

Chariot is a P&G led consortium, involving 8 industrial and academic partners aiming at radical changes to the manufacturing process of particulate products to allow novel high value products to be produced in the UK and exported overseas whilst maintaining product quality. To achieve this requires innovation in a number of areas including designing new particle structure and processing routes to realise at industrial scale.

We seek candidates to understand the relationship between the material properties, process conditions (e.g. temperature, time) and final product structure (e.g. porosity, solubility) during accelerated drying processes.

The succesful candidate is expected to have at least a 2i Hons degree in Chemical Engineering or related subject area (e.g. chemistry or physical sciences). The canditate will interact closely with the industrial and academic partners to provide regular research progress updates and will also assist in the project’s overall research direction and cordinate work with University of Leeds and P&G’S Newcastle Innovation Centre.

Due to funding restrictions this PhD studentship is only open to UK/EU students.

Applicants should complete an online application form, available from the website through the link shown below, where they should also provide an up-to-date CV, a cover letter, and the names of two scientific referees. Informal enquiries can be directed to Prof. Peter Fryer via
