Twelve (12) PhD Facebook Scholarships for Domestic and International Students, USA (2015)

Applications are invited for Facebook fellowship program available to domestic and international students for full-time PhD accredited doctoral program focusing on a topic or field relevant to Facebook. Up to twelve (12) academic fellowships are awarded for a period of for two years. Each Facebook Fellowship includes several benefits like tuition and fees for the academic year(s)as well as $37,000 yearly grant, paid visit to Facebook HQ to present research and opportunity for paid internship.

Study Subject(s) : Fellowships are awarded in the fields relevant to Facebook, such as: Architecture, Data Mining, Databases, Distributed Systems, Computer Vision, Human-Computer Interaction & Social Computing, Economics and Computation, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Networking & Operating Systems, Programming Languages & Compilers, Security & Privacy and Software Engineering.

Application deadline is January 5, 2015

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