Postdoc or PhD student at the Department for Theoretical and Computational Biophysics

The Department for Theoretical and Computational Biophysics aims at an understanding of the physics and function of proteins, protein complexes, and other biomolecular structures at the atomic level through molecular dynamics simulations and invites applications for positions as:

Postdoc or PhD student
(Code-Number 22-14)

We offer the possibility to participate in projects listed below, but are evenly interested in discussing your own ideas and suggestions!

  • Understanding how molecular machines work: The ribosome and the F-ATP Synthase
  • Dynamic protonation algorithms for biomolecules in molecular simulations
  • Interpretation of single-molecule experiments
  • Statistical mechanisms of biomolecules
  • Accurate free energy differences from non-equilibrium simulations
  • Molecular recognition mechanisms in protein-ligand and protein-protein binding
  • Lipid-protein interactions in membrane channels
  • Understanding SNARE-mediated membrane fusion
  • Computational electrophysiology of ion channel permeation and selectivity
  • Conformational dynamics of allosteric transitions

You should have a strong background in physics, chemistry, computer science and/or mathematics and hold a PhD or a Master’s degree (or equivalent) in any of these or a related field, be highly interactive and willing to collaborate efficiently with experts from all natural sciences. Depending on the topic, can-didates should be able to translate physical concepts into program code and be familiar with a scripting and a programming language.

The Postdoc position is limited to one year with a possible one year extension. PhD candidates have the chance to participate in one of several available interdisciplinary PhD programs, with three years funding and extension possibility, in collaboration with the University of Göttingen. The payment and benefits for both positions are based on the German TVöD guidelines (public sector pay). Alternatively a Max Planck Fellowship can also be granted.

The Max Planck Society is trying to increase the percentage of women on its scientific staff and strongly encourages applications from qualified women. The Max Planck Society is committed to employing more handicapped individuals and especially encourages them to apply.

Please send your application including cover letter (explaining background and motivation), your CV, and publication record (if applicable) preferably via e-mail as single PDF file in relation to the code number to ausschreibung22-14<στο>

Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry

Department of Theoretical and Computational Biophysics
Prof. Dr. Helmut Grubmüller, Prof. Dr. Bert de Groot
Am Fassberg 11
D-37077 Göttingen

Email: office.theor_comp_biophys<στο>

Phone: +49 551 201 2300; Fax +49 551 201 2302