Ref IOD-02 M.Sc.

CIT/Tyndall has a vacancy for an MSc position, fully funded for two years (including MSc studentship and fee) by the Institutes of Technology Ireland (IOTI) under the Postgraduate Scholarship Initiative 2013. The project will pair a student with a highly motivated world class research group based in CIT/Tyndall. The student will be registered as an MSc student at Cork Institute of Technology (, and will carry out the majority of his/her research at the Tyndall National Institute ( The student will be supervised by Dr. Ian O’Driscoll of the Photonic Device Dynamics Group at CIT/Tyndall (


This work will use semiconductor quantum dots, which are nanoscale inorganic materials, in order to achieve extremely short optical pulses. Such pulses find use in, for example, high-bit-rate optical communications, wave division multiplexing, microscopy, multiphoton imaging and surgery. The pulses will be generated using a technique known as “passive mode-locking”, where an absorber section within a quantum dot lasing cavity helps to create the pulses, and the repetition rate or time between successive pulses is controlled by the length of the cavity. Novel quantum structures will be designed to allow the generation of ultrashort pulses with a high peak power and a wide-gain bandwidth. The research project will involve the characterisation and modelling of quantum dot laser structures using a variety of techniques some of which include: time resolved photoluminescence, modal gain/absorption measurements, pump probe spectroscopy and semiconductor device processing. During the course of this project the successful applicant will become an expert in the fields of semiconductor device characterisation, processing and quantum-optoelectronic analysis. It will provide an excellent base for a career in the high-value industry of optoelectronics and ultrafast related research.

Nr of positions available : 1

Research Fields


Career Stage

Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate) 
Experienced researcher or 4-10 yrs (Post-Doc) 
More Experienced researcher or >10 yrs (Senior) 

Research Profiles

Not defined

Comment/web site for additional job details

The minimum academic qualification for this position is a first or upper second class honours degree (or an equivalent international degree) in physics, electrical engineering or related relevant discipline.

Applicants are invited to start from October 2013. To apply for this position, please submit your submit your application via quoting reference number IOD-02.

At this time, Tyndall National Institute does not require the assistance of recruitment agencies.


Required Research Experiences
Main Research FieldEngineering
Sub Research FieldElectrical engineering
Required Languages
Language LevelExcellent
Required Education Level
Degree FieldEngineering
Required Research Experiences
Years of Research Experience1

Application Deadline


Envisaged Job Starting Date


Application website