Ref BC-33 Researcher

Lightwave circuits using laser components based on InP and GaAs materials are the technological basis for communications on the internet and are moving towards communication over shorter distances. The route to more widespread adoption of this wide bandwidth technology is through the integration of the components onto a Photonic Integrated Circuit (PIC) which will lead not only to dramatic cost reduction but also increased performance. Our challenge is to develop the required advanced functionality in a manner which can be mass-produced.

We have an open position for a post-doctoral researcher to join our team in developing advanced PICs. The activities cover the design, growth, processing and characterisation of the components and the integration technology while the device circuits cover include tuneable lasers, high speed modulators, detectors and circuits for coherent communications. The position is funded by industrial projects and collaborative projects.



• Performing research on III-V based semiconductor photonic devices.

• Design, processing and characterisation of III-V devices and circuits. 

• Maintaining accurate records in lab-books.

• Completing technical reports on a timely basis. 

• Maintaining confidentiality with industry partners

• Working collaboratively with other researchers including PhD students.

• Identifying intellectual property associated with research.

• Presenting results at project meetings and at conferences. 

• Writing papers.

• Identifying and developing specific areas for future research. 

• Identifying funding opportunities. 

• Proposal writing.

• Taking part in appropriate training and development opportunities as required.


• Tyndall has state-of-the-art semiconductor epitaxy and fabrication facilities to permit the development of advanced components.

• The researcher should have competence in the design and characterisation of devices for use in telecommunications.

• It is important that the candidate has an ability to work in a team environment while establishing a leading position in integration technology and circuits.

• The successful candidate will be highly motivated with excellent organizational and communications skills.

• PhD in a relevant discipline.

Nr of positions available : 1

Research Fields


Career Stage

Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate) 
Experienced researcher or 4-10 yrs (Post-Doc) 
More Experienced researcher or >10 yrs (Senior) 

Research Profiles

Not defined

Comment/web site for additional job details


Proven track record in technological techniques associated with III-V materials (eg growth, fabrication, characterisation).

Please apply via, selecting reference number BC-33 and following the instructions to complete the associated application form, attaching your cv and motivation letter.

At this time, Tyndall National Institute does not require the assistance of recruitment agencies.


Required Research Experiences
Main Research FieldEngineering
Sub Research FieldElectronic engineering
Required Languages
Language LevelExcellent
Required Education Level
Degree FieldEngineering
Required Research Experiences
Years of Research Experience2
Required Education Level

Application Deadline


Envisaged Job Starting Date


Application website