Fully-funded PhD studentship: Enhanced Shear Micro- and Ultra-Filtration using oscillatory flow conditions

Loughborough University - Department of Chemical Engineering

Supervisors:  Professor Richard Holdich and Dr Marijana Dragosavac

Sponsor: Sellafield Ltd (Seascale, Cumbria CA20 1PG, UK)

Enhanced Shear Micro- and Ultra-Filtration using oscillatory flow conditions

Applications are invited for a Research Studentship in the field of chemical engineering, leading to the award of a PhD degree. During the processes of ultra- and micro-filtration shear is normally generated at the surface of the membrane by recycle pumping of the suspension. This is counter-productive as the entire suspension is sheared leading to break-up and damage of material often making it more difficult to filter. Oscillating the membrane, or the liquid, is an alternative method for generating shear at the surface between the membrane and suspension. The shear rates achievable are very high and the shear is only delivered where it is needed: at the surface of the membrane. The project will investigate different metal and ceramic ultra- and micro-filtration media used with a number of suspended and dissolved materials. The deliverables include a theoretical understanding of a compact but essentially straightforward system that can be used in a modular way for a variety of different filtration applications as well as a fundamental study of controlled shear at the surface of a filtering membrane.

This project is aligned to the DISTINCTIVE project tackling issues of how best to handle different types of spent fuels, packaging and storing waste, and dealing with nuclear sludges in ponds and silos at nuclear power stations. The focus will be on a novel, robust technology for micro- and ultra-filtration building on the many years of practical research that has been performed at Loughborough University. The research programme will involve colloidal and dissolved molecular species and related analytical and theoretical research. The majority of the work will be carried out in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Loughborough University.

The studentship is available to UK/EU candidates with a first or upper second class undergraduate degree or a relevant Masters qualification. This is a multi-disciplinary project so a wide range of degree disciplines would be relevant, including Engineering and scientific disciplines, including Chemistry and Physics. The studentship is funded for three and a half years, from 2015.

As an industry-supported award, the studentship will include:

  • A supplement above the usual Research Council rate of pay.
  • An extensive training package, including attendance at DISTINCTIVE project Events.
  • To join a vibrant research environment on the magnificent Loughborough campus

If you are interested in receiving more information, please make informal contact only (at this stage) to: R.G.Holdich<στο>lboro.ac.uk (01509 222519) or M.Dragosavac<στο>lboro.ac.uk (01509 222501)

The studentship provides a tax-free stipend of £17,429 per annum for a period up to three and a half years, plus tuition fees at the UK/EU rate.  Due to funding restrictions, the full studentship is open only to UK/EU applicants who meet EPSRC studentship eligibility criteria – please seehttp://www.epsrc.ac.uk/skills/students/help/eligibility/.

Applications should be made on-line, using the University Postgraduate Research Programme Application Form, available from the University Graduate School website at:http://www.lboro.ac.uk/study/apply/research/

CVs will not be accepted unless they accompany an official Application Form (as above).

Please use application reference:                    Chem Eng/Sellafield (RH/MD)

Intended start date:                                            Jan 2015
