PhD Studentships

University of Strathclyde - Department of Naval Architecture Ocean and Marine Engineering (NAOME)

The Department of Naval Architecture Ocean and Marine Engineering (NAOME) at the University of Strathclyde has two PhD Studentships on offer in the area of ship hydrodynamics and emission reduction. The research work is related to a large-scale research project “Shipping in Changing Climates” funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and supported by a range of industry partners. This highly multi-disciplinary project brings together researchers and academics spanning Naval Architecture, Marine Engineering, Logistics, Economics and Law at 5 UK universities: University of Strathclyde, University College London, University of Newcastle, University of Manchester and University of Southampton. The academic team is supported by a strong industry consortium, including many key players in the international maritime industries (Lloyds Register, Shell, BMT, Rolls Royce and many more).

The PhD projects relate to prediction of the impact of trim on the resistance and powering of ships in moderate sea-states. The projects will primarily be based on full-scale CFD calculations, supported by tank tests and full-scale data where appropriate.

One project, part funded by LR, will concentrate on the impact of moderate trim on powering of ships in waves and opportunities for trim optimisation on existing vessels in regularly-occurring moderate seaways. The second project, part-funded by Shell, will address opportunities for adoption of extreme trim for ballast voyages, and the potential opportunities for innovative ship design.

For more information please contact:

Prof Sandy Day / Prof Osman Turan / Prof Atilla Incecik
Department of Naval Architecture Ocean and Marine Engineering
Henry Dyer Building
100 Montrose St
G4 0LZ<στο>

