PhD Studentship - Thermal Management


Research Studentship in Next Generation Thermal Management - Thermal management using multiphase flows
EPSRC CASE AWARD with University of Oxford and Rolls Royce
3-year D.Phil studentship, available from 1st September 2014

Research Area
This project will seek to provide an accurate quantification of the local and global heat transfer characteristics from both spatial and temporal perspectives within multiphase microfluidic flows. The thin foil heated technique will be developed to measure the local time averaged heat transfer characteristics of multiphase microfluidics in rectangular channel flows. Furthermore an isoflux boundary condition will be created using a thin walled stainless steel circular tube to provide well defined boundary conditions for reference of the multiphase solutions with their single phase counterparts. To obtain temporal and spatial resolution of the instantaneous heat transfer rates hot film anemometry will be implemented through applying local sensors within the flow fields of interest. The measurement approach will be through IR imaging, hot film anemometry and thermometry to provide a detailed thermal perspective of the developed and developing regions of such flows. Initially hydrodynamically developed flows will be studied through providing a region of unheated length upstream of the heated section, followed by hydro and thermally developing flows.

The studentship is being jointly undertaken by the University of Oxford (Department of Engineering Science, Prof. Walsh) and Rolls Royce (Dr. Menon) under the EPSRC Industrial CASE award scheme.

The student will be a member of the Osney Research Group and will be supervised by Professor Walsh and Dr. Menon. Further information on the group can be found at

Award Value
The studentship covers University fees at the level set for UK students plus a stipend (tax-free maintenance grant) of ~£14,000 p.a. for the first year, and at least this amount for a further two years. The studentship does cover the payment of University and college fees.


To be eligible for a full award (stipend and fees) a student must have:

Settled status in the UK, meaning they have no restrictions on how long they can stay


Been ‘ordinarily resident’ in the UK for 3 years prior to the start of the grant. This means they must have been normally residing in the UK (apart from temporary or occasional absences)


Not been residing in the UK wholly or mainly for the purpose of full-time education. (This does not apply to UK or EU nationals)

To be eligible for a fees only award:

Students from EU countries other than the UK are generally eligible for a fees-only award. To be eligible for a fees-only award, a student must be ordinarily resident in a member state of the EU, in the same way as UK students must be ordinarily resident in the UK.

To apply for this studentship, candidates should send the following documents via the APPLY button:

  • CV
  • Covering letter (explaining your suitability for the study, what you hope to achieve from the DPhil and your research experience to date)
  • Contact details for two academic or professional referees

NOTE: Candidates are expected to meet the graduate admissions criteria available at and a full graduate application must be made at the same time as applying for this studentship. Your studentship application will not be considered until you have submitted a graduate application. Further details about making a graduate application are available at

Please quote CASE - 14220165 in all correspondence to the Department and in your graduate application.

Informal enquiries may be addressed to Please note that applications sent directly to this email address will not be accepted.

Application deadline: 1st January 2015


Candidate Requirements
Prospective candidates will be judged according to how well they meet the following criteria:

  • A first class honours degree in an Engineering related discipline.
  • Excellent English written and spoken communication skills.
  • The following skills are desirable but not essential:
  • Experience in thermal measurement techniques
  • Ability to program in Matlab

Apply here: University_of_Oxfor-idl2cs-825977<στο>