1-3 PhD Scholarships, Department of Industrial Engineering & Management, Aalto University, Finland (2015)

The Department of Industrial Engineering and Management of Aalto University is devoting increasing efforts to creating and transforming technology-based business in the spirit of Aalto University’s strategy. Current research covers, for example: design and operation of modern production systems that deliver combinations of goods, services, and information; strategic management; technology-based entrepreneurship, and leadership in knowledge-intensive organizations.

To promote its research agenda, the department is presently seeking to hire 1-3 doctoral candidates to the fields of research at the department. The approximate timescale for completing the Ph.D. is 4 years. The employment will be two years full-time for the first contract, which can be extended to cover the rest of the doctoral study. The maximum funding period is 4 years in total. Applicants who need funding for shorter period, for example to complete their PhD thesis, can also apply.

Good command of English is a necessary prerequisite. The salary is competitive and the contract includes occupational health and social security benefits.

Application deadline is November 23, 2014

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