Orbits of Permutation Groups (SIEMONS_U15SF)

This PhD project is offered on a self-funding basis. It is open to applicants with funding or those applying to funding sources. Details of tuition fees can be found at www.uea.ac.uk/pgresearch/pgrfees. 

A bench fee is also payable on top of the tuition fee to cover specialist equipment or laboratory costs required for the research. The amount charged annually will vary considerably depending on the nature of the project and applicants should contact the primary supervisor for further information about the fee associated with the project.


Finite combinatorial structures can often be described in terms of subset systems of an underlying set. For instance, a graph on the vertex set V can be viewed as a collection of 2-subsets of V, forming the edges of the graph. Similarly, a simplicial complex on a vertex set V can be viewed as a collection of subsets of V forming the faces of the complex, and so on.

In this PhD project we are interested in set systems that arise from finite permutation groups. If G is a subgroup of the symmetric group on X then G permutes the k-element subsets of V and so we may study the orbits of G that arise in this fashion. Such orbits incorporate crucial information about the group, see [1].

We shall study set systems from a general point of view by investigating certain algebraic invariants of set systems. These are based on novel techniques that arise from the representation theory of the symmetric group.

Nr of positions available : 1

Research Fields

Computer science - Other

Career Stage

Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate) 

Research Profiles

First Stage Researcher (R1) 

Envisaged Job Starting Date


Application Deadline


Application website
