Postdoctoral Positions in Labor market, Living conditions, Urban development and mobility, CEPS/INSTEAD, Luxembourg

CEPS/INSTEAD invites highly qualified and motivated applicants for a Postdoctoral position. Our institute is looking for candidates who are able to handle and develop a research agenda in the following fields, corresponding to our three departments: Labor market, Living conditions, Urban development and mobility.

About the departments:
The research agenda of the department “Labor Market” is mainly based on a micro-econometric approach addressing labor supply and labor demand as well as migration and evaluation of activation policies. This is complemented by a modelling of matching processes on the labor market. Beyond that, an important branch of the department consists of research on labor relations and firm organization.

The department “Living Conditions” is focusing on household income, inequality, poverty, and social inclusion. Special interest is given to wealth over the life-cycle, from childhood, over youth, and family stage to the retirement age. Evaluation of the impact of educational policy, family policy, health policy and social policy in general on living conditions is also an integral part of the research agenda.

The spatial dimension of income, wealth and labour markets, both from a geographical as well as an economic perspective, is addressed by the department “Urban Development and Mobility”. Commuting and residential mobility in cross border metropolitan areas is one of the key topics. Special interest is given to the impact of housing policy. Another key topic is the role of borders as well as the mechanisms of integration and cross-border governance.

The departments strongly benefit from privileged access to administrative data covering longitudinal employment and unemployment records of all employees of the country, which may be linked to firm data, individual health data and geographical information. The Greater region of Luxembourg also provides an interesting research subject, because of a clash of different institutional settings within a small distance, which can be used for identifying relevant drivers for individual behavior as well as firm behavior.

Application deadline is November 30, 2014

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