PhD position in the laser-ultrasonic characterization of coatings by using Surface Acoustic Waves

RECENDT is an internationally renowned research center in the field of material characterization and non-destructive material testing. We pursue application-oriented fundamental research and also the implementation of the results in industrial applications. The advertised post, with a starting date of 1st January 2015 (or as soon as possible), is funded by The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) and supported by a major industrial partner. The position is a 36 months fixed-term contract.
The aim of the project is the characterization of thin coatings using laser-induced Surface Acoustic Waves (SAW). The dispersion relation of SAWs can be utilized to this purpose if the elastic proper-ties are different in the substrate and in the thin layer. If the elastic properties in the layer and sub-strate are comparable, the state-of-the-art methods, however, fail. In polycrystalline layers with different grain structure, on the other hand, the frequency dependent attenuation of the ultrasonic waves is different in each layer. We propose to use this frequency dependent attenuation, caused by grain-boundary scattering, to characterize the thin layer.
Within this project analytical / numerical and experimental frameworks should be developed to de-termine the layer thickness in coated aluminum plates using this behavior. Depending on the strengths of the candidate different scopes can be pursued within the research project. Applicants should be able to demonstrate a creative approach to problem solving and being motivated to work as part of an established multidisciplinary team.

Relevant Qualifications:

• M.Sc. / Diploma in Engineering or Physics.

Relevant Experience:

• Basic knowledge with ultrasonic propagation.
• Analytical skills for mathematical modeling.
• Some practical experience with optical setups.
• Programming experience (Matlab or C).

Communication and Interpersonal Skills:

• Very good organisational skills.
• Willingness to undertake interdisciplinary research.
• Fluent written and spoken English and/or German.

For more details for this position, please contact Dr. Istvan A Veres at Tel. +43/732/2468-4633 oristvan.veres<στο>

Candidates interested in the position should send their applications via e-mail to:

Research Center for Non Destructive Testing GmbH
Mag. Jessica Habichler
Science Park 2, Altenberger Straße 69, A – 4040 Linz, Austria
Tel.: +43/732/2468-4600 | Fax: +43/732/2468-4606
E-mail: jessica.habichler<στο>