Postdoc in Computer Science, specializing in Distributed and Multi-Core Real-Time Systems

We are offering a Postdoc position in the area of distributed and multi-core real-time systems, strengthening the Complex Real-time Embedded Systems (CORE) research group at MDH with one additional senior researcher. The CORE research group consists today (October 2014) of 9 PhD students and 5 senior researchers.

The Postdoc position is intended for research and development of new methods, techniques and tools with respect to real-time, predictability and performance on distributed multi-core platforms. The area of research and development within this position will be guided by the current portfolio of CORE research projects, in particular the PRESS project.


The performance offered by new distributed multi-core platforms has over the past decade attracted significant attention in multiprocessor embedded software analysis and runtime policies, protocols and techniques, as well as communications. Since multi-core platforms are becoming the de-facto processors available on the market, where traditional single-cores are becoming less available, industry must cope with a potential migration towards multi-core platforms. To align academic research with industrial requirements and to facilitate migration of systems from single-processor platforms to multi-core platforms, the research community together with industry has to cope with multiple aspects that contribute to the overall performance and correctness achieved by distributed multi-core solutions. New techniques, methods and tools are sought to be developed to achieve this goal.

Nr of positions available : 1

Research Fields

Computer science - Other

Career Stage

Experienced researcher or 4-10 yrs (Post-Doc) 

Research Profiles

Recognised Researcher (R2) 



Comment/web site for additional job details 

Envisaged Job Starting Date


Application e-mail

Application Deadline
