Postdoctoral Fellowship - Cell Mechanics


Post-doctoral research fellowship

Title: Mechanical modelling of adherent cells to identify early elements of mechanotransduction. 

Location : Interdisciplinary Group in Osteoarticular and Cardiovascular Biomechanics
Institut du Mouvement et de l’appareil Locomoteur (IML)
Institute of Movement Sciences (UMR 7287) Aix-Marseille University & CNRS

Duration : of 12 months (18 months max)
This work represents the last task of the project “Sinus Surf”. This project, "SinusSurf", involves researchers from 4 French labs specialized in cell biomechanics and mechanobiology and biomaterials and is funded by the French National Research Agency.

The aim is here to use and implement an existent computational model of adherent cell to quantify the mechanical state of the cell depending on its adhesion conditions on sinusoidal surfaces.

Results from the model correlated to the biological observations and measurements may lead to identify an optimal topography controlling cell activity.

The position starts from now until the end of the year.

Apply here: Aix-Marseille_Unive-idkfn9-825209<στο>