PhD position in computer-assisted peptide design

The Computer-Assisted Drug Design group of Prof. Gisbert Schneider is seeking a student for a PhD position in the area of peptide design.

PhD position in computer-assisted peptide design

The goal of the PhD project is to study the selectivity of peptide-membrane interactions. The candidate will establish biophysical and biochemical assays, apply innovative software tools to generate bioactive peptides, and synthesize and analyze computationally designed peptides. He/she will also be responsible for setting up a bacterial growth assay.

The successful candidate should have a background in biochemistry and/or pharmaceutical chemistry and be interested in working in an interdisciplinary environment at the interface between bioinformatics and chemical biology. The project requires strong interactions with other PhD candidates and the willingness to work as a member of a team. Candidates should be highly motivated, self-organized, creative, displaying initiative and used to thinking sideways. Excellent command of the English language is expected. Knowledge in German or the readiness to learn the language would be appreciated. The preferred starting date for this position is January 2015.

For further information please contact Dr. Jan Hiss, jan.hiss<στο> (no applications!), and visit our website

We look forward to receiving your application online by clicking the button “Apply now” with attention to: ETH Zurich, Mr. Hans-Peter Freitag, Human Resources, CH-8093 Zürich. Please submit your application including (i) a cover letter stating your motivation for this position, (ii) a comprehensive CV including publications and presentations, (iii) diplomas and a list of courses attended, (iv) references (optional) and upload all documents (PDF is recommended) through the website. Any other way of applying will not be considered.

The deadline for applications is November 30, 2014. Candidate selection will start immediately, so early submissions are strongly encouraged.

Apply here: