Computational Thermo- / Electro-Dynamics for Cancer Treatment (PhD)


Within the last decade, the use of computational techniques in areas of computational electrodynamics and thermal processes modeling has become indispensable both in scientific and in commercial R&D environments. ETH and the IT’IS Foundation together with different partners have developed one of the most advanced TCAD platforms for the numerical simulation of electrodynamic and thermal physics.

In this context we are offering an interesting PhD project. Its focus will be on the development of novel tools and techniques enabling fast and accurate thermal modeling based on MRI data. The main applications it will address are: 1. effective patient-specific Hyperthermia cancer treatment planning by coupled EM and thermal simulations; 2. development of new RF related safety standards. The task may also include fast conversion methods of MRI data into 3D computational models of the human body.

The PhD candidate will join a highly motivated and dynamic team of electrical engineers, physicists and computer engineers at ETH working in various related research areas. Furthermore, we work together with prominent research laboratories as well as worldwide leading companies in telecommunications and biomedicine.


We are looking for talented candidates with theoretical background and a university degree in electrical/communications engineering, computer science, (medical) physics or in a similar field. Enhanced knowledge and skills in programming (C/C++) and corresponding tools (Windows and Linux/UNIX based platforms) is recommended.


As soon as possible.

Application Process:

Applications should consist of:

• a cover letter including the position title and a statement addressing the selection criteria and outlining the motivation for applying for the position
• a detailed CV
• copies of degree certificates and / or diplomas, including marks
• letters of recommendation

We look forward to receiving your complete resume materials as a single pdf file at:greatjobs<στο>

For further information or to discuss the scope of this position please contact Dr. Nicolas Chavannes (greatjobs<στο> or phone +41 44 245 9696).

Contact address:

Eva Jakubcaninova
IT’IS Foundation
Zeughausstrasse 43
CH-8004 Zurich