New techniques for vision-assisted speech processing


The goal of the proposed research is the exploitation of highly dynamical information from ED vision sensors for robust speech processing. The temporal information provided by EDC sensors will allow to experiment with new models of speech temporal dynamics based on events as opposed to the typical fixed-length segments (i.e. frames).

In this context, we are looking for 2 highly motivated Post-docs, respectively tackling vision and speech processing, as outlined herebelow:

vision @ iCub facility – BC 69721: the post-doc will mostly work on the detection of features from event-driven cameras instrumental for improving speech recognition (e.g. lips closure, protrusion, shape, etc…). The temporal features extracted from the visual signal will be used for crossmodal event-driven speech segmentation that will drive the processing of speech. In the attempt to increase the robustness to acoustic noise and atypical speech, acoustic and visual features will be combined to recover phonetic gestures of the inner vocal tract (articulatory features).

speech processing @ RBCS – BC 69724: the post-doc will mainly develop a novel speech recognition system based on visual, acoustic and (recovered) articulatory features, that will be targeted for users with mild speech impairments. The temporal information provided by EDC sensors will allow to experiment with new strategies to model the temporal dynamics of normal and atypical speech. The main outcome of the project will be an audio-visual speech recognition system that robustly recognizes the most relevant commands (key phrases) delivered by users to devices in real-word usage scenarios.

vision: Send applications and informal enquires to - start January 2015 (but later starts are also possible).

speech: Send applications and informal enquires to - start June 2015 (but later starts are also possible).
Please note that these positions are pending the signature of the grant agreement with the European Commission (expected start date in early 2015)

In order to comply with Italian law (art. 23 of Privacy Law of the Italian Legislative Decree n. 196/03), the candidate is kindly asked to give his/her consent to allow IIT to process his/her personal data. We inform you that the information you provide will be solely used for the purpose of assessing your professional profile to meet the requirements of IIT. Your data will be processed by IIT, with its headquarters in Genoa, Via Morego, 30, acting as the Data Holder, using computer and paper-based means, observing the rules on the protection of personal data, including those relating to the security of data.
Please also note that, pursuant to art. 7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003, you may exercise your rights at any time as a party concerned by contacting the Data Manager.

Nr of positions available : 2

Research Fields

Engineering - Other

Career Stage

Experienced researcher or 4-10 yrs (Post-Doc) 

Research Profiles

Recognised Researcher (R2) 

Comment/web site for additional job details

Application Deadline
