Doctoral Student, Intelligent Robotics

Doctoral student position in Intelligent robotics

Intelligent Robotics group at Aalto University is looking for a Ph.D. candidate related to learning of manipulation skills. The research topic will be specifically defined based on the background and interests of the applicant after acceptance.

A candidate should have a M.Sc. or equivalent degree in a suitable area (e.g. robotics, computer science, applied math, control engineering), or be a M.Sc. student in a final phase of their studies. The candidate should have strong analytical and writing skills, and experience or genuine interest in robotics and autonomous systems. Expertise in machine learning is valued. Candidates are expected to also have good programming skills.

The appointment is available immediately. The position is fixed-term and filled initially for 1 year with an option for extension until the end of 4-year PhD studies. The salary is determined according to the salary system of Aalto University.  Employment includes occupational health and social security benefits.

The position is located in the Intelligent Robotics group at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation. The research environment provides excellent opportunities for open-minded co-operation with the highly motivated research staff as well as with top international partners. The group is very international and the working language is English.

How to apply

Applications should be addressed to Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering, Professor Ville Kyrki and submitted online (in pdf-format) through recruitment system via “Apply for this job” link below.

The documents required are:
1)      an application letter;
2)      a Curriculum Vitae (with contact details);
3)      names and contact information (email) of at least two references;
4)      transcript of records (courses and grades);
5)      degree certificate (if available, if certificate not received in Finland, an official translation into English);
6)      a list of publications (if available);
7)      Master’s thesis (if available);
8)      scientific publications (if available).

Additional Information  

For additional information, please contact Associate Professor Ville Kyrki by e-mail firstname.lastname<στο> or tel. +35850 4082035.

Apply here: