TIFER: TECNALIA’s International Fellowships for Experienced Researchers, Spain (2015)

In relation to its INCOMING scheme, TIFER supports the temporary incorporation (2 years contract) of experienced researchers to TECNALIA (Fundación Tecnalia Research & Innovation or Fundación Azti) to develop their proposed research projects with TECNALIA´s research teams and facilities. The aim of the programme is to foster and consolidate the European Research Area (ERA) by attracting talented researchers and developing their careers.
• Candidates must be non-residents undertaking trans-national mobility. Definition of trans-national mobility: At the time of the deadline for submission of proposals, researchers must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Spain for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the reference date; short stays, such as holidays, are not taken into account.
• Candidates must hold a PhD Degree at the moment of the start of the fellowship, or must have at least four years of full-time equivalent research experience (including the period of research training) after the degree which formally allowed them to embark on a doctorate.
• Candidates must propose a research Project aligned with strategic research fields for Tecnalia.
In relation to its OUTGOING scheme, TIFER supports the temporary incorporation of experienced researchers to TECNALIA (Fundación Tecnalia Research & Innovation or Fundación Azti) to develop their proposed research project in a host organization located outside Spain.

• Candidates should be Spanish residents at the moment of applying for the fellowship.

• Candidates must hold a PhD Degree at the moment of the start of the fellowship, or must have at least four years of full-time equivalent research experience (including the period of research training) after the degree which formally allowed them to embark on a doctorate.

• Candidates must propose a research Project aligned with strategic research fields for Tecnalia.

Application deadline is November 30, 2014

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