Postdoc in Automatic Micro and Nanorobotic Manipulation

Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation is a part of Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering. The Micro- and  Nanorobotics Group at the department conducts academic research and education in the field of micro- and nanorobotics, an emerging and rapidly growing multidisciplinary field that crosses the domains of robotics, micro- and nanotechnology, and artificial intelligence, and involves aspects of physics, surface science, and biology. The applications of micro- and nanorobotics cover wide fields of biotechnology, material engineering, and micro- and nanotechnology as well as research tools and manufacturing technologies.

Postdoc in automatic micro- and nanorobotic manipulation

Aalto University Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation invites applications for postdoc at the Micro- and Nanorobotics group.

We are looking for talented postdoc to investigate, design, and develop next generation of highly-automated micro- and nanorobotic systems with frontier applications in microassembly, microfluidics, and biomedicine. To achieve better performance and reliability beyond today’s micro- and nanorobots, both robotic hardware as well as perception and control algorithms needs to be improved to better treat the manipulation uncertainties in the micro- and nano world.

We expect the applicant be willing to pursue interdisciplinary research, going beyond the boundary of the main field he or she has studied. Depending on the background and interests of the applicant, he or she will contribute to a selection of the tasks such as: design and implementation of microrobotic mechatronics, fabrication of micro- and nano structures and tools in cleanroom, design of perception algorithms for microrobotic control, design of automation algorithms including machine learning and implement the algorithm in a software architecture, and experimental tests for validating and improving the developed hardware and algorithms in applications including microsystem assembly, microfluidics and biomedical operations.

The research topic will be specifically defined based on the background of the applicant and the mutual interests of the applicant and the research group after acceptance. The applicant will be closely supervised and also involve dynamic interactions with other members of the group and international collaborators.

The applicant should have recently received, or is expected to finalize within a few months, a doctoral degree with topics related to micro- and nanosystems, robotics and/or automation, or other related fields. We also value experiences in physics, biology, microfabrication, modelling, programming, and practical experimental implementations. In general, we expect that the applicant has excellent track record, eager to work hands-on, open-minded, and willing to collaborate with others.

The applicant, after being accepted and started in Aalto University, will receive a salary determined according to the salary system of Aalto University, adjusted in relation to the progress of the applicant. Moreover, postdoc in Aalto is expect to devote 10% of efforts on teaching. The first contract will be for two years, which can be extended for another two years depending on the progress and the availability of resources.

How to apply

Applications should be addressed to Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering, Professor Quan Zhou and submitted online (in pdf-format) through recruitment system via “Apply for this job” link below, no later than on November 30, 2014.

The application should include:
–  Cover letter on personal background, motivation for the application, and research goals and plan (up to two A4 pages)
–  Curriculum vitae (CV)  including detailed contact information, contact information of two reference persons and a list of publications
–  Official transcript of study records and degree certificates (if not received in Finland, a certificated English translation)
–  Doctoral dissertation (if not ready, the draft or outline)
–  Key scientific publications (papers)
–  Other diplomas, certificates and documents that the applicant wishes to refer to

Please name your documents in the following format:
–  Surname_GivenName_coverletter.pdf
–  Surname_GivenName_CV_and_publication_list.pdf
–  Surname_GivenName_certificates.pdf
–  Surname_GivenName_Thesis.pdf
–  Surname_GivenName_papers.pdf
–  Surname_GivenName_other_diplomas.pdf

Additional information

We may contact you and request additional materials after reviewing your application. For further information, please contact the leading professor of Micro- and Nanorobotics Group, Dr. Quan Zhou, email quan.zhou<στο>