<b>(4/4/2013) </b> Early Stage Researcher

1 PhD / Early Stage Researcher (ESR) positions at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC)

The Open University of Catalonia (UOC), Barcelona, Spain, offers a fully-funded PhD position for an ESR in the context of the FP7 Initial Training Network (ITN) project CROSSFIRE (for details about the project aims and objectives please follow the following link http://gain.di.uoa.gr/crossfire). Under an architectural and component level perspective, the project approaches the emerging Long-Term Evolution-Advanced (LTE-A) network, which will be populated by uncoordinated and vast number of small cells (micro, pico and femtocells). We primary aim to provide a holistic understanding on issues such as co-channel interference from randomly located small-cells (unplanned deployment), efficient utilization of the scarce spectrum (via cognition), self-organization (SON) and QoE at the end users, under the assumption that LTE-A networks share a common physical infrastructure. CROSSFIRE will analyze and propose network virtualization
solutions, a technology which is envisioned to transform the operation of cellular networks in the years to come.

Description of the Positions

PhD position 2 (UOC-2): “Improvement of LTE-A networks efficiency through cognitive capabilities, cooperation and self-organized networks”

The key objectives of this ESR position include:  i) Design and evaluate low overhead SON and cognitive algorithms for LTE-A ii) Joint design and evaluation of cognition and network optimization functionalities for the efficient use of the available spectrum iii) Evaluate and propose interactions between short-range communications and LTE-A


This Ph.D. enrolment is under very attractive employment conditions and competitive salaries, which are offered by the Marie Curie Initial Training Network. The selected ESR will join the IN3 institute (http://in3.uoc.edu/opencms_portalin3/opencms/en/index.html), located in Barcelona, and will have a unique opportunity to pursue a career in wireless communications and networks. Working in this ambitious research project should lead the ESRs to the successful completion of a doctoral degree awarded by any of the local universities, together with a very strong joint
multidisciplinary research and training program in the field of emerging mobile networks. The planned mobility among six EU countries and eight institutions is a plus of the two job positions.


We are looking for a highly motivated, enthusiastic junior scientist, with a preferential background in mobile networks and network virtualization. Previous experience in fields directly related to the specific positions is a plus. Excellent research skills and analytical abilities are required, fluency in English (both spoken and written), proactive communication skills and problem
solving as part of a team, strong record keeping, great work ethic and initiatives are essential characteristics. Candidates must also meet the following criteria: 1) be in the first four years (full-time equivalent research experience) of their research careers; 2) be of any nationality, but not having resided or carried out their main activity in UK for more than 1 year in the past 3 years; 2) have a degree that in their country gives access to a PhD; 3) have not yet been awarded a doctoral degree.

To apply for these positions, please download and fill the CROSSFIRE Application Form:


and send it along with a motivation letter, full CV, degrees, recommenders’ contact details (up to 3), and any other relevant documents, to ferranadelantado<στο>uoc.edu, melani.gurdiel<στο>tsc.upc.edu  and  mitn.crossfire@gmail.com not later than 15 May 2013.