Postdoc position will open in Operations Research Group (France)

The Brittany region (France), with the support of Google has granted the OR-Group with a financial support of 12 months for a postdoc position. The position will be open on January 2013. The general topic of this postdoc position concerns the optimization applied to the transportation of handicapped persons. The position is open to work in the research center of the OR-Group in Lorient (France).

The candidate: she/he must demonstrate a high potential for excellence in research and should have a PhD in the area of Operations Research. We are seeking for high quality candidates in the field of optimization and more specifically either in exact optimization methods or in metaheuristics. The application domain of the candidate should be transportation or related topics but the focus will be put on the general knowledge of the candidate. The candidate is expected to work full-time in our research lab (Lab-STICC) located in Lorient, France. The candidate should have a good knowledge of English (French will be appreciated but is not mandatory).

Title of the project: H-Transp: Handicap Transportation (intelligent transport of handicapped persons)

Description of the subject:
The transportation of handicapped persons is a highly complex problem since it involves the human factor at a great extend. A center for disabled people is offering help and care to handicapped people that have been able to return at home after a long stay in the medical center. But everyday, the hospital should organize the transportation of all these patients. Our goal is to provide a general framework of efficient solving methods that can cover the numerous variants of this specific transportation problem. From a research point of view, we would like to implement matheuristics and/or metaboosting methods for solving Open VRP and variants taking into account human factors, transportation costs and environmental footprint. Moreover, the solution output will be implemented through a web-based interface and will integrate the Google API for a practical use. This project is part of a cross project at Lab-STICC: HAAL (Human Ambient Assisted Living).

Dates: The starting date is to be agreed with the candidate, but ideally it should be as soon as possible.

Duration: From the recruitment and for 12 months.
Salary: Net salary is about 2 000 € per month.

To apply to this postdoc, the candidate must send:

CV with detailed list of publications
A brief document (1 or 2 pages) summarizing past experience
3 references and their e-mail addresses

This material must be sent by e-mail to marc.sevaux<στο>univ-ubs[dot]fr asap, although we will continue to review applications until the position is filled.

Contact: For further information, you can contact Prof. Marc Sevaux by email. Marc Sevaux <>.

[Posted by Prof. Matsatsinis Nikolaos]