28/9/2012: Where Geo meets Math - PhD Fellowships

Dear all, 

There is a current call for PhD fellowships at the graduate research school GEOSIM in Berlin - Germany. The school, which is funded by the Helmholtz association, GFZ Potsdam, Freie Universität Berlin and Universität Potsdam, attempts to train and do research combining geosciences andmathematics on a variety of potential fields. The fellowship is highly competitive, but may be an interesting chance for you and/or one of your students. For more information, you may want to look at the following websites: http://www.geo-x.net/geosim and http://www.geo-x.net/geosim/admission.html 

For more information on the call contact: Dr V. Mouslopoulou: vasiliki<στο>mred.tuc[dot]gr