9/5/2012: Post-Doc: University of Grenoble, France-Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann

Post-Doc: University of Grenoble, France

Contributed by: Antoine Girard,antoine.girard@imag.fr


Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann, University of Grenoble, France


Starting: September 2012

Duration : 12 months

Supervisors : Antoine Girard (Antoine.Girard@imag.f), Gregor Goessler

Web : sites.google.com/site/antoinesgirard


This position is opened within the SYMBAD project (Symbolic Approaches to the Design of Cyber-Physical Systems) funded by the University of Grenoble.


The position deals with the development of sound approaches for the synthesis of discrete embedded controllers for cyber-physical systems.


A promising approach has been proposed, based on the use of symbolic abstractions that are approximately bisimilar to the continuous dynamics of the physical components of the system. The goal of the SYMBAD project is double. The first goal is to develop the theory of controller synthesis using approximately bisimilar abstractions. Several challenging theoretical problems still need to be addressed: compositional synthesis; safe, robust and efficient controller refinement techniques; fine estimates of the precision of the symbolic models... The second goal is to continue the development of a toolbox for controller synthesis that has been initiated within the VEDECY project (http://sites.google.com/site/vedecy/).

Depending on his/her profile, the successful candidate will work on one or several of the aspects of the SYMBAD project.


The successful candidate should have a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, Computer Science or Control. Knowledge of at least one of the domains of formal methods in computer science, scientific computing, or control is required.


Please send your application file (including CV, letter of motivation, references) by email to Antoine Girard (Antoine.Girard@imag.fr).