9/5/2012: Post-Doc: Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel

Post-Doc: Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel

Contributed by: Tal Shima, tal.shima@technion.ac.il


A post-doctoral position in the area of guidance/motion planning and task assignment for unmanned vehicles is available at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, in Haifa, Israel.


The work will involve both theoretical and algorithmic aspects as well as numerical studies. Emphasis will be given to cooperative problems involving teams of unmanned vehicles, mainly aerial but also marine and ground.


Candidates for this position must have a Ph.D. in either engineering (aerospace, mechanical, electrical, or similar), computer science or operations research, with an emphasis on search algorithms and/or optimization.


Application material should include:

- a cover letter

- detailed curriculum vitae, including educational background and a list of publications

- unofficial undergraduate and graduate transcripts

- at least two letters of recommendation and/or contact information for at least   two referees


The material should be submitted in pdf via e-mail to Prof. Tal Shima, tal.shima@technion.ac.il


Applications will be handled in strict confidentiality and will be reviewed as they arrive until the position is filled.


For further inquiries, please contact Tal Shima at: tal.shima@technion.ac.il