9/4/2012: Post-Doc Position: University of Padova, Italy

Contributed by: Luca Schenato, schenato@dei.unipd.it


Position: Post-Doctoral Scholarship (International Incoming Fellowships Marie-Curie Actions), University of Padova, Italy

Topic: Networked Control Systems

Application deadline: 16 August 2012


Application instruction: official website: cordis.europa.eu/fp7/mariecurieactions/iif-how_en.html

Starting date: beginning 2013

Duration 1-2 years

Salary and benefits: 58600EUR/year + mobility

Note: for non-EU researchers


Description: This fellowship in sponsored by the European Union within the program called Marie-Curie International Incoming Fellowships

cordis.europa.eu/fp7/mariecurieactions/iif_en.html. We are willing to host researches who are interested in topics related to Networked Control Systems

automatica.dei.unipd.it/research/networked-control-systems.html .

Successful candidates should have a strong background and experience in at least one of the following

areas :

(1) distributed optimization, estimation and control;

(2) consensus algorithms;

(3) smart power grids.


The candidate will work in close contact with the members of the Network Control Systems Group and will have management responsibility for national and international projects such as the EU project HYCON2 www.hycon2.eu. For more details contact Prof. L. Schenato



Position: Post-Doc Position, University of Padova, Italy

Topic: Distributed Control and Optimization In Networked Control Systems

Application deadline: none

Application instruction: send CV to Prof. Luca Schenato

Starting date: flexible

Duration 1-2 years

Salary and benefits: Variable upon qualification (up to 28000 EUR/year )


Description: The topics of interest for our group embrace a wide range of projects and research areas. Successful candidates should have a strong background and experience in at least one of the following areas : (1) distributed optimization, estimation and control; (2) consensus algorithms; (3) smart power grids. The candidate will work in close contact with the members of the Network Control Systems Group and will have management responsibility for national and international projects such as the EU project HYCON2 www.hycon2.eu. For more details contact Prof. L. Schenato automatica.dei.unipd.it/people/schenato.html.