Overview: Protection International (PI), an international human rights non-profit organisation based in Brussels, Belgium, is seeking the services of a graphic and digital designer to produce a variety of marketing materials needed to successfully accomplish its mission.

Mission Statement:

PI brings protection strategies and security management tools to human rights defenders (HRDs) at risk. PI’s comprehensive protection programmes empower HRDs to manage their protection themselves, make authorities fulfill their duty to protect and makes other individuals and institutions with a stake in the protection of HRDs maximize their contribution.

Request for Proposal
PI is requesting proposals for the services of a graphic and digital designer to design a series of materials, in digital and print format, to support the organization’s communication and promotion efforts.

The designer will create institutional materials for PI and its research and advocacy publications. These research and advocacy publications aim to:

a. Inform the general public, stake-holders and duty bearers about PI’s three thematic priorities (criminalisation, HRD protection public policies and protection networks) and their inter-linkages with other development initiatives in order to build strategic alliances.

b. Improve the exchange of information with key stakeholders (HRDs, HRDs orgs, Intl institutions, duty-bearers) so that they have a clear understanding of the issues associated with each thematic priority and what actions need to be taken.

c. Improve PI’s visibility before these key actors as a key expert and resource in these thematic areas.

You can learn more about our past research publications here:

Target audience and brand identity:

PI works with HRDs as well as NGOs, Governments, Diplomats and Institutions focused on supporting the work and protection of HRDs on National, Regional and International Levels. PI wants a crisp, consistent, simple and powerful institutional image that reflects its mission and work on overarching themes across all offices.

Scope of Work
PI’s needs include:

Institutional promotional materials:

  • 2015 annual brochure showcasing our work (print and digital)
  • PI information brochure – print and digital
  • Template for PI public policy position papers

Research + Advocacy Publications:

  • Focus 2015 – a report on the latest public policy developments for the protection of HRDs throughout the world (previous report 34 pages, see here:
  • Report on criminalisation of HRDs (35,000 words approx.)
  • Advocacy briefing paper 3-5 pages) on criminalisation report digital and print
  • Report on Rural HRD protection networks
  • Learning materials digital and print in relation to rural HRD protection networks report
  • Guidelines on safe houses report (40 pages approx.)
  • Report on strategies/lessons learned to counter criminalisation of HRDs

Terms and Conditions
The successful designer needs to be flexible to meet our work schedule. Workspace, computer and software are not provided. Products provided by the designer will need to be developed or saved in various formats for use in online and print media.

The designer will work closely with our Advocacy,Outreach and Research Units teams. (Please note that other, smaller materials might also be included later on outside of this proposal.)

The place of the assignment is home-based with occasional meeting in Brussels if possible if not via Skype.


Submission Information

  • Background Information
  • Résumé
  • A minimum of three client references
  • Proposal: please submit a mockup for the Focus 2015 report (print and digital). It doesn’t have to be a finished product, but it should be complete enough that we can judge the design and creative process.
  • Portfolio
  • 3-5 samples indicating relevant design work (URLs and print materials)
  • Cost Estimate
  • All candidates must submit an estimate based on the work outlined in this RFP, printing fees excluded. It can be hourly or per project.

Evaluation Process
PI will review each proposal and portfolio independently as outlined by the schedule below. Finalists may be required to participate in a phone or in-person interview that will take place at a time to be determined.

Submit for Consideration
Please submit your proposal with attention to Kelly Hendricks in theAdvocacy & Outreach Unit atrecruitment<στο> by May 8th 2015

Requests for clarifications may be sent to: info<στο>

Proposals must be received by the deadline outlined in this document to be considered. No exceptions will be made without prior consent from the Communications Officer.

Deadline for submissions: May 8th 2015

Period of the assignment: June 2015 to May 2016

Tentative Date of commencement: June 1st 2015