Norway : PhD Studentship in fluid mechanics

A PhD position is available  in the Department of Energy and Process Engineering in the Fluid Mechanics research group at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

The aim of the research project is to improve our understanding of turbulent sprays formed by waves impacting on structures in arctic conditions which leads to a rapid build up of ice that can threaten the integrity and safety of structures. The research project will focus on fundamental aspects of turbulence, sprays and their interaction. The project involves two novel lines of work: i) developing a new method to measure water sprays based on computed tomography which involves numerical and theoretical work, and ii) measuring the properties of water sprays generated for different conditions.


The successful candidate should be able to demonstrate a strong background in funda-mental fluid mechanics up to Master's degree level or equivalent in a relevant Engineer-ing discipline, Physics or Applied Mathematics. They should be enthusiastic and highly motivated and be willing to work both independently and with other researchers in the group. Candidates with research experience in both advanced numerical methods and measurements of turbulent flows will be considered to have a strong advantage. A strong proficiency in Matlab (or Maple) is essential.


The PhD candidate period is for 3 years. For further information and informal enquiries about the position please contact Prof. James Dawson (  

Conditions of appointment:

PhD Candidates are remunerated in code  1017,  and are normally remunerated at wage  level 50, gross NOK 429 400 before  tax. There will be a 2 % deduction to the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund from gross wage. Engagement as a PhD Candidate is done  in accordance with “Regulation  concerning terms  and conditions of employment for the posts of post-doctoral research fellow, research fellow, research assistant and resident”,  given by the Ministry of Education and Research of 19.07.2010. The goal of the positions is to obtain a PhD degree. Applicants  will engage in an organized PhD training program, and appointment requires approval of the applicants plan for a PhD study within three  months from the date  of commencement.

See for more information.


The engagement is to be made in accordance with the regulations in force concerning State Employees and Civil Servants. The positions adhere to the Norwegian Government's policy of balanced ethnicity, age  and gender. Women  are encouraged to apply. According to the new Freedom of Information Act, information concerning the applicant may be made public even  if the applicant has requested not to be included  in the list of applicants. The application must contain  information of educational background and work experience. Certified copies of transcripts and reference letters  should  be enclosed. Applications  with CV, grade transcripts and other enclosures should  to be submitted.

Application deadline June 1st 2015.

Further Information

Application Deadline : 1 June 2015

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