Postdoc - Machine Learning for Adaptive, Large-Scale Information Access


The Machine Learning for Document Access and Translation group at Xerox Research Centre Europe specializes in designing and developing new information access approaches, focusing on contextualization, adaptivity and multimodality. These approaches aim at making information not only accessible, but more importantly actionable, comprehensible, integrated, and predictive, as demonstrated in the fields of litigation, customer care and finance. Our research includes topics that span the processes of converting text into knowledge, inferring new knowledge from it, and converting knowledge back into text, in many domains and many languages. 

We are opening a PostDoc position in the group to support our activities in theALICIA ANR Project. This project is targeting user-centric applications, such as Recommendation or Crowdsourcing, where user preferences and user expertise cannot be known in advance and need to be discovered over time via mundane interactions with users, using principled approaches such as Multi-Armed Bandits.

Application deadline
May 2015

Starting date
September 2015

18 months

Application instructions

To apply, please send a CV and covering letter by clicking on the "APPLY"button, clearly stating ‘Postdoc / Machine Learning for Adaptive, Large-Scale Information Access” in the subject line.


The ideal candidate should have:

  • a Ph.D. in Computer Science or related field ;
  • experience in large-scale machine learning and information access;
  • Experience in Multi-armed Bandit Algorithms, Recommender systems, Intelligent Crowdsourcing, Expert Retrieval or/and Composite Retrieval is a plus.

The successful candidate will be responsible for the development of prototypes and their integration into the Project’s platform, and will collaborate directly with other members of the team.