PhD Scholarship: Optical fibre sensors for structural health monitoring and the built environment

Applications are invited for a funded scholarship for a PhD by research investigating the efficacy of optical fibre sensors for structural health monitoring and the built environment.


Structural health monitoring (S.H.M.) has become a vital tool for the detection of structural damage to buildings, bridges, wind turbines and other structures. Current schemes for S.H.M. revolve around the measurement of strain and/or temperature typically using fibre Bragg gratings for quasi-distributed sensing and Brillouin or Raman scattering in optical fibres for distributed sensing applications. 
The aim of the position is to develop and deploy novel optical fibre sensor technologies and interrogation systems for facilitation of smart structures and environmental sensing. The successful candidate will form a key part of an interdisciplinary team of scientists and engineers working at the forefront of diagnostic solutions in the Convergent Technologies Research Group. The research program involves development of novel optical fibre sensors using the large amount of optical fibre processing equipment assembled in the Optics Research Group and subsequently interrogated using interferometric and spectroscopic techniques developed in WIT. 
The successful candidate will be expected to present at peer-reviewed national and international conferences.

Nr of positions available : 1

Research Fields

Physics - Optics

Career Stage

Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate) 

Research Profiles

First Stage Researcher (R1) 


Successful applicants are eligible for a 36-month (full-time) scholarship under the WIT PhD Scholarship Programme 2015 which provides an annual stipend of €10,000, full fees, plus €2,000 towards project running costs.

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Envisaged Job Starting Date


Application Deadline


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