PhD study on Modeling Energy Supply for Future Cities

Technical University of Denmark - Centre for IT- Intelligent Energy Systems (CITIES)

PhD study on Modeling Energy Supply for Future Cities

In DTU Energy we want to strengthen our efforts in the strategic research Centre for IT-Intelligent Energy Systems (CITIES - Therefore we seek a PhD student to contribute to providing insight into the future Production, Transmission, Storage and Conversion of energy required to supply the demand for energy services in future cities.

Large cities are growing rapidly all over the world and secure supply of energy services for citizens is becoming more and more important in light of the ongoing shift from fossil to sustainable primary energy sources. Utilities responsible for providing the services need tools to predict types and size of demand for energy as well as tools to optimize balance between production, distribution, storage and conversion of energy in dependence of time (day, week, year). We are therefore looking for a motivated Ph.D. student to work in our Section for Energy Systems and Analysis aiming to meet these challenges.

DTU Energy is focusing on new energy technologies and their integration in the future sustainable energy system. Our research includes important fields like fuel cells, electrolysis, batteries, solar cells, magnetic refrigeration, superconductivity and thermoelectric materials. The Department has 250 employees. 

Job description 
The work will focus on describing and modeling routes for providing sufficient, timely energy to match the demand for services in future cities. Based on available data from past experience and expectations for future energy generation patterns you should focus on development of tools to optimize and match energy demand and supply. We expect that you are familiar with development and use of software, data formats, data handling and data analysis, and perhaps you have formerly used such skills in prediction. Modelling approach and tools could be:

  • Analysis and handling of large time series data
  • Non-linear and/or mixed-integer optimization models
  • Matlab/Python/R or other scientific/statistical programming languages

We expect to establish software to predict and describe city-internal production as well as influx of electricity and heat required to match demand.

Our new Ph.D. student will be part of a broad scientific environment working both theoretically to develop methods and software to assist in optimizing the future energy system in relation to cities. The work will take place at the international front line embedded in an environment of researchers, technology providers, service providers and end-users.


  • Master degree or equivalent in Physics, Mathematics, Engineering, Chemistry or similar.
  • A strong background in handling big data sets and computer modeling techniques will be required and your experience should be documented in your application. Insight in energy processes (e.g. thermodynamics and chemical reaction kinetics) will be useful.
  • You should be able to work independently, to plan and carry out complex tasks in a large, dynamic research environment. It is highly important that you are open-minded and hold social competences allowing you to communicate effectively in speaking and writing with a wide spectrum of project stakeholders.

Approval and Enrolment
The scholarships for the PhD degree are subject to academic approval, and the candidates will be enrolled in one of the general degree programmes of DTU. For information about the general requirements for enrolment and the general planning of the scholarship studies, please see the DTU PhD Guide.

We offer 
An exciting and challenging Ph.D. study in an international environment. Good possibilities for professional and personal growth. A family friendly organization with flexible working hours.

Please submit your online application no later than 17 May 2015.

Go to for further information and application. 
