EPSRC INDUSTRIAL CASE Award - Acoustic Investigation of Perforated Liners in Gas Turbine Combustors

University of Hull - School of Engineering

Fees: £4,000 (paid by grant)

Maintenance: £17,000, tax-free stipend p.a.

Academic supervisor: Dr Qin Qin (Acoustics Research Centre, School of Engineering, Hull University).

Industrial supervisor: Dr Ghenadie Bulat (Siemens Ltd.)

This postgraduate studentship is available for a 4 years award period and will include a period of three months experience at Siemens Ltd.

A gas turbine combustion chamber wall has a double layer steel cylindrical sheet perforated with small diameter holes. The diameters of the holes usually range from 0.8 mm to 5.0 mm to let air flow through. The main purposes of a perforated sheet in a turbine combustor are: (1) to decrease the main flame emission, (2) to reduce the effect on the turbine inlet temperature profile and (3) to increase cooling to prolong the life of the combustor. However, it would be useful if the steel perforated liners could also be used for attenuating the combustion noise and mitigating combustion instabilities, especially for low frequency components, which is a main problem for efficient combustion.

This project will investigate and optimise perforated liner design through experimental methods and acoustic theoretical analysis of some key variables, such as the influences of temperature, airflow, hole shape, hole distribution and different combination of the double liners. It aims to ultimately reduce combustion noise and instability to further improve the combustion efficiency and reduce harmful gas emission.

The investigation will be mainly carried out with a unique acoustic wind tunnel and a high temperature impedance tube at the Hull Acoustics Research Centre. The wind tunnel is 1.2m (internal width) x 0.8m (internal height) x 27.7m (length) together with two and half meters long of airflow silencer section, Three meters long of anechoic termination and sound sources. It is expected the results of this research will contribute to reduced noise and instability of gas turbines, thus increasing energy efficiency of gas combustion.

Applications are invited from candidates with a First or Upper Second Class Honours Degree (M.Eng./M.Phys.) in Engineering or Physics. Due to the nature of the project, a strong interest in experimental acoustics is essential. You will be trained in acoustic experimental skills with our unique acoustic wind tunnel and a variety of different facilities. You need to have good level of engineering analysis, practical problem solving skills, and competence in computing skills for data recording and processing. In addition, communication and team-working skills are highly desirable due to the strong industrial link. Only UK students may apply due to the nature of the studentship. 

This project is jointly funded by EPSRC and Siemens Ltd. And you will have the advantage to work closely with the industrial partner and to spend some period in Siemens during the study to have some insight into the industrial practice and potential impact of the research.

Informal enquiries may be addressed to: Dr Qin Qin: q.qin<στο>hull.ac.uk.

Application is viahttp://www2.hull.ac.uk/student/admissions/postgraduate/howtoapply/researchmastersphd.aspx

Please ensure you state the studentship title and Department in the relevant boxes of the application form.
