Open PhD Position

ACIB – the Austrian Centre of Industrial Biotechnology – is one of the leading research competence centres in the field of industrial biotechnology.

At the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna, ACIB currently offers a

Open PhD Position 

Impact of metabolite transport and cellular compartmentalization on metabolic engineering

Research field

pathway-designMajor goal of this project is the establishment of tools for artificial structural organisation of metabolic pathways, including scaffolds to express enzymes in an organised close proximity and metabolic compartments, encapsulating enzymes in proteinaceous structures. In addition we will focus on method development for functional analysis of membrane transport proteins for the transport of small molecules, such as organic acids and the transport of proteins, such as protein translocation into the periplasm of Escherichia coli. Research will take place at the Department of Biotechnology at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU) in the working group of Prof.

Diethard Mattanovich and PD Dr. Michael Sauer.



Completed Master degree (or equivalent) in biotechnology, microbiology, molecular biology, biochemistry, biochemical engineering, or similar study. Strong practical experience in molecular biology are requested. The ideal candidate should have scientific interest in the establishment of new methodologies for characterization membrane proteins and metabolic engineering.

Candidates must also have excellent skills in spoken and written English, and interpersonal skills conductive to team work and group research efforts.

Start: ASAP

How to apply

To apply, please send a PDF file containing:

  • a detailed CV and publication list
  • copies of university degree documents
  • contact information (phone number and email)
  • contact details of up to 3 academic referees

to jobs<στο> indicating the reference number 10.1_2015 in the subject of the email.

Application deadline: 15.05.2015

ACIB is dedicated to a well balanced gender ratio. Therefore, this job advertisement addresses qualified male and female persons equally. ACIB is not part of any collective agreement under Austrian law. It is intended to offer a minimum yearly gross payment of EUR 28.680,00.for the PhD position advertised. Payment is depending on qualification and professional experiences.