PhD Positions, LabEx HepSYS, France (2015)

The Inserm Unit U1110, Institute for Viral and Liver Disease and the Laboratory of Excellence HepSYS, Head: Prof. Thomas Baumert, University of Strasbourg, France is located in the Faculty of Medicine campus in the center of Strasbourg.

Our research interests
A key focus area of the unit is the molecular investigation of virus-host interactions and their relevance for disease biology. Core aims are the investigation of the mechanisms of virus-induced inflammation and cancer and to develop novel preventive or therapeutic approaches.

Mentors at U1110
Our post-graduate training program is designed to guarantee the students’ development into world class research scientists. Students work in close contact with our highly reputed training staff while they are also encouraged to develop independent thinking and to explore their personal talents. They master a broad range of techniques and cutting edge technologies as our unit is based in a state-of-the-art infrastructure offering excellent facilities and technical expertise. We value our students and accompany them through their development into successful researchers. From our care, to an exciting professional life in science.

Further details:

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Τρίτη, Ιούνιος 23, 2015