PhD student Modification of Graphene

In the frame of an international collaboration, a PhD can be started. The research aims at the modification of
graphene and graphene oxide by means of grafting-to and grafting-from methods. Fundamental aspects of the
graphene modifications will be studied as well as the materials properties of the final products. Additionally it is
expected that the PhD student takes up didactic tasks such as supervision of bachelor and master projects as well
as organisation tasks within the research group.


Task description
In the frame of an international collaboration, a PhD can be started. The research aims at the modification of
graphene and graphene oxide by means of grafting-to and grafting-from methods. Fundamental aspects of the
graphene modifications will be studied as well as the materials properties of the final products. Additionally it is
expected that the PhD student takes up didactic tasks such as supervision of bachelor and master projects as well
as organisation tasks within the research group.
* Good relational, communicative and reporting skills
* Can work well in team
* The candidate has research interest
* Good knowledge of Dutch and English
The candidate is expected to perform research in the field of polymer chemistry, more specifically the modification of
graphene and graphene oxide.
* 'can-do' mentality
Master in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering (or equivalent).
Final-year students are (likewise) encouraged to apply.
Scholarship for a period of 2 x 2 years (with evaluation after 2 years).

Nr of positions available : 1

Research Fields

Chemistry - Other

Career Stage

Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate) 

Research Profiles

First Stage Researcher (R1) 


Scholarship for a period of 2 x 2 years (with evaluation after 2 years).

Comment/web site for additional job details 

Application Deadline


Application website