Master & PhD Students in Computer Science, Sabanci University, Turkey (2015)

We are looking for MSc and PhD students for two TUBITAK research projects starting in Sept 2015. The projects are related to finite state automata, directed graphs, multi-core and GPU programming, FPGA implementation. Note that, different students can focus on different parts of the projects, therefore you don't need to have a background/interest in all of these topics.

Students with a BSc degree in CS, EE, or MATH are good fits for the research topics that will be addressed in these projects.

The offer includes:
(i) Full tuition waiver for Sabanci University,
(ii) Free stay at the dorms,
(iii) Health insurance, and
(iv) Monthly stipend at TUBITAK rates.

If you are interested / want to get more information on the projects, please contact Husnu Yenigun. You can visit Graduate Admissions web site to see admission requirements and apply for the positions. During your application, please select "Computer Science and Engineering Program".

In order to accelarate and simplify the process, we would appreciate if you could send an email to Husnu Yenigun to let us know that you are interested in these projects and you have applied through the application system.

Further details:

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 

Παρασκευή, Μάιος 15, 2015