PhD Position – Electricity storage process based on high efficiency thermodynamical cycle and high temperature thermal energy storage

EMR-STOCK project is a collaborative project between CEA (applied research center) and Babcok Wanson (boilermaker from CNIM group) focused on an innovative massive electricity process using thermal energy storage. In case of surplus electricity, the electricity is transformed into heat using an electric boiler and stored into thermal energy storage. The heat can be discharged into a vapor turbine on demand (when electricity is needed, to follow the electrity price etc…). The proposed thesis is focused on the study of the thermal energy storage system, and its integration into an innovative high efficiency thermodynamic cycle. Evaluation of the global performances, optimisazation of the storage and of the cycle are of particular interest.

This position is open until it is filled.

Département: Département Thermique Biomasse et Hydrogène (LITEN)
Start Date: 01-09-2015
ECA Code: SL-DRT-15-1074
Contact: arnaud.bruch<στο>