Postdoc in Bioinformatics/Biostatistics - Division of Computational Genome Biology

DKFZ - German Cancer Research Center

Heidelberg, Germany


The German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) offers a Postdoc position in the computational genome biology group headed by Dr. Bernd Fischer. The research group works on quantitative analysis of genetic and physical interaction networks. Statistics and computational network analysis will be used to predict and understand interactions between genes, proteins and drugs in various ways with the aim to guide targeted drug therapies. The group will further develop methods that integrate available population level genetic data with experimental data.

Imaging-based high-throughput screening provides insights into the functional consequences of gene and drug perturbations. Understanding gene-gene interactions and gene-drug interactions plays a central role in the development of future personalized drug therapies. We have driven forward the analysis of multivariate genetic interaction maps from automated image-based high-throughput screens (Horn, Sandmann, Fischer, Nat. Methods, 2011; Laufer Fischer, Nat. Methods, 2013). Recently, we developed a new method to identify regulatory relationships between genes (Fischer, Sandmann, eLife, 2015). In this project, you will develop new statistical methods for high-dimensional screening data and genetic interaction data. The project requires the development of thorough statistical methods to analyze high-throughput imaging data as well as network inference methods to identify causal relationships.


The ideal candidate will have a Ph.D. in a quantitative or computational science (statistics, computer science, bioinformatics, physics) with a strong background in applied statistics, machine learning or scientific computing. Programming skills in R are of advantage. The candidate should have interest in molecular or medical biology and is expected to work in close collaboration with experimental scientists at DKFZ and other institutes in Heidelberg.

For more details and to apply for this job click here