PhD Studentships in audio-visual intelligent sensing

Queen Mary, University of London - School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Applications are invited for 4 (four) PhD Studentships to undertake research in the areas of computer vision and audio processing for people monitoring in multi-camera multi-microphone environments, and will be part of an interdisciplinary project on audio-visual monitoring for smart interactive and reactive environments. The Studentships (to be started in or after September 2015) are part of an interdisciplinary project between the Centre for Intelligent Sensing ( at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) and the Centre for Information Technology ( at the Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), Trento, Italy.

The Project will focus on methods for long-term people tracking, activity recognition, acoustic scene analysis, behaviour analysis, distant-speech recognition and understanding applied to individuals as well as groups. Such information will enable learning 'patterns of usage' of the environment, and patterns can in turn be used to adapt and optimise the sensing accordingly.

Each PhD student will spend approximatively 50% of their time in London and 50% of their PhD time in Trento and will have access to state-of-the-art audio-visual laboratories, including a multi-camera multi-microphone installation at a large open hallway and a smart home facility equipped with cameras, microphones and automated devices.

Candidates should have a first-class honours degree or equivalent, or a good MSc Degree, in Computer Science, Physics, Mathematics or Electronic Engineering. Candidates must be confident in applied mathematics, and should have good programming experience, in particular of C/C++ language and of MATLAB environment. Previous knowledge of Digital Signal Processing is a requirement. Previous knowledge of Computer Vision or Machine Learning or Audio Signal Processing and/or Speech Recognition is desired, but not required. Experience in using relevant libraries (e.g. OpenCV) is also desirable.

The studentships will be based at Centre for Intelligent Sensing in the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science at Queen Mary, University of London and will be supervised by Professor Andrea Cavallaro ( and Dr Oswald Lanz ( or, depending on the type of the PhD project chosen by the candidate, Dr Maurizio Omologo ( To apply please follow the on-line process at by selecting Electronic Engineering or Computer Science in the A-Z list of research opportunities and following the instructions on the right hand side of the web page.

Please note that instead of the 'Research Proposal' we request a 'Statement of Research Interests'. Your Statement of Research Interest (no more than 500 words or one side of A4 paper) should state whether you are interested in a computer vision PhD project, or an audio processing PhD project, or an audio-visual processing PhD project. Moreover, your Statement of Research Interest should answer two questions: Why are you interested in the proposed area? What is your experience in the proposed area? In addition we would also like you to send a sample of your written work. This might be a chapter of your final year dissertation, or a published conference or journal paper. More details can be found at: .

Informal enquiries can be made by email to Professor Andrea Cavallaro (a.cavallaro<στο>

Interviews are expected to take place during the week commencing 22 June 2015.
