Five (5) PhD Scholarships, HOROS – Doctoral Programme of Excellence, Medical University of Innsbruck, Austria (2015)

Scientists and physicians of the Innsbruck campus, working in the related fields of Infection, Immunity, Transplantation and/or Biogerontology, have decided to join forces and have created a structured and multidisciplinary research and training programme of excellence (DK). Their intention is to cooperatively and synergistically investigate genetic and environmental parameters, which destroy the immune homeostasis during host-pathogen interaction, thus leading to opportunistic infections, seldom developing in healthy, but quite often in immuno-compromised subjects. Six of the 7 members of the consortium work at Innsbruck Medical University (IMU), one is heading the Institute of Biomedical Aging Research (IBA), now part of University of Innsbruck / Leopold Franzens University (LFU). All 7 contribute to various aspects of host-pathogen interaction, comprising inherited and acquired immunity. On the infection side fungal, bacteriological or virological models are in use.

Available Topics of PhD thesis
- Innate immunity involved in Escherichia coli-induced haemolytic uraemic syndrome (eHUS)
- Immune response to vaccines in old age
- Characterization of complement factor H binding molecules in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- The impact of biologic therapies and immunsuppressiva on the risk of opportunistic infections
- Modulation of host and pathogen iron homeostasis in aspergillosis: impact on immune control and outcome

Further details:

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 

Δευτέρα, Μάιος 25, 2015