Project Manager

FSD is an international environmental organization. We are seeking to recruit a Project Manager for our Headquarters in Geneva. Your job will be to direct and develop a project aiming at consolidating existing knowledge about the use of RPAS and other airborne systems in humanitarian operations. You report directly to our Head of Operations.

Your activities include the following:

Project implementation including testing and promoting appropriate use and best practices of such systems among UN clusters, humanitarian operators and other stakeholders; coordination between the project and other FSD ventures, in particular the ongoing on risk mapping project with the European Space Agency (ESA), drafting of concept technical notes and presentations of proposals and results in front of various working and stakeholder groups; implementation of the field tests and management of the project’s technical and expert resources; operational and financial reporting to the project steering committee and the donor;

We expect you to bring the following:

· a degree in engineering, in any project related scientific field

· at least 2 years work experience in humanitarian assistance, with a good understanding and knowledge about the UN cluster system

· keen interest in innovating technologies and their application in the humanitarian field

· excellent command of the English language, spoken and written

· available for frequent travel internationally and in Europe

· any other language skills are a plus

· at ease with MS Office, related technical software and social media

As the position is based in Geneva, only European or Swiss citizens can be considered.

Start: May 2015 (for 18 months)


Insert your CV and application letter (in mail format) directly into the following link:

FSD will reply only to candidates who's profile match with the mentiioned requirements.