Online Master Programme in Interaction Design, Tallinn University, Estonia (2015)

The online MSc in Interaction Design allows learners to combine theory with practice towards the design and evaluation of interactive computing systems with a strong emphasis in the human aspects of design ( ).

The programme targets learning outcomes based on international standards, and builds upon the extensive experience of academics at Tallinn University and Cyprus University of Technology in the field of Human Computer Interaction and Interaction Design.

Among others, the program includes subjects such as design theory and methodology, foundation of human-computer interaction, the development of interactive systems, the evaluation of user experience and ubiquitous computing.

We offer an innovative online program, designed for learners who have a strong interest in the human aspects of designing interactive computing systems and a first degree in or related to Informatics, Design, Social Sciences and Instructional/Educational Technology.

This programme comprises of four semesters (30 ECTS per semester), and is structured based on a standard plan of study; it is delivered fully online as distance learning. For the completion of the MSc degree, students will undertake a thesis allowing them to develop their capabilities based on independent research and will apply their studies to a field of specialization.

The cost is 4,100 euro for the whole program.

Further details:

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 

Τετάρτη, Ιούλιος 1, 2015