Six Doctoral Studentships

City University London - School of Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering


The School of Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering at City University London is offering 6 full-time, three-year doctoral studentships for 2015/16 entry. Applications are invited from exceptional UK, EU and international graduates wishing to to pursue cutting-edge research in any of the School's key research areas.

The School is investing in academic excellence following its success in the recent REF 2014 which highlighted the world class quality of its research. Three of the studentships are funded by The George Daniels' Educational Trust; the other three are funded by the School.

What is Offered
A doctoral studentship will provide:

• An annual bursary (£16,000 in 2015/16)
• A full tuition fee waiver for UK and EU students. Applications are welcome from overseas applicants but the applicant must make appropriate arrangements to cover the the difference between the overseas and UK tuition fee

The studentships will be awarded on the basis of outstanding academic achievement and the potential to produce cutting edge-research.

• Applicants must hold at least a 2.1 honours degree or merit level Masters degree in a relevant subject (or international equivalent)
• Applicants whose first language is not English must have achieved at least 6.5 in IELTS or a recognised equivalent
• Applicants must not be currently registered as a doctoral student at City University London or any other academic institution

Additional Information
Applications must consist of: a research degree application form, 3 page research proposal, proof of academic qualifications, proof of English language proficiency (if you do not speak English as your first language) and two confidential references (one of which must be an academic reference). Further details are available at

The above documents should be compiled into a single document and submitted topgr.smcse.enquire<στο> by the 25th May 2015.

Applications are welcome from individuals wishing to pursue research in any of the areas listed below. You are encouraged to discuss your application in advance with a potential supervisor in the School. Please follow the links to find out more.

• Mathematics - Pure and Applied Mathematics; Representation Theory; Mathematical Physics; Mathematical Biology 
• Computer Science - Adaptive Computing Systems; Human‐Computer Interaction Design; Software Reliability; Machine Learning; Geographic Information Science
• Library and Information Science
• Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering; Civil Engineering Structures; Fluid-Structure Interaction 
• Electrical and Electronic Engineering - Biomedical Engineering; Systems and Control; Photonics and Instrumentation 
• Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering - Fluid Dynamics; Turbulence and Flow Control; Multi-Scale Flow Technologies; Fluid-Structure Interaction 

Further Information:

Email: pgr.smcse.enquire<στο>

